Click and reserve at
Fancy shopping at, but don't want to wait for delivery? Why not click and reserve.
Those nice people over at have thought of everything.
Click and reserve at is a great alternative to shopping on online.
With shopping online you'll find your required items on the website, add them
to your basket, pay for them, and a few days later your order will turn up.
It's as simple as that. But what if you don't want to wait until your order
turns up at your front door, and you really need it now. That's where click
and reserve will do its thing.
Reserve your stuff - so you know it'll be there
So, you want your stuff now; but want to make sure it's available when you turn
up at the Argos shop. That's not a problem with You search for what
you need (as you would for shopping), but instead to buying it, you click on reserve
instead. Choose your preferred Argos shop, and you'll get a reservation number
emailed to you.
Once you have got your reservation number, you know that whatever you have reserved
is yours. If you're after a popular item, you may well look on and say
"ah, there seem to be 10 of these available". But if you don't reserve one, by the
time you get down to the shop they could be sold out.
A Wii reservation fable
Back in the day when the Nintendo Wii first came out, it was getting increasingly
difficult to procure one of these devices. So much so in fact, that you could
reserve one from (should you find some in stock), and sell the
reservation number for £20 on eBay. Some may say this isn't very ethical -
but some people were making a few easy quid out of it.
Anyway, get to to start shopping (or indeed reserving)
for next purchase.
Other information is one of our favourite high street shops, which is why we've
written some bits and pieces about it; and why you should shop there! Read
more about,
and the rather good Argos returns policy. If
you're looking for some bargains (has anyone ever said "no thank-you, no bargains for me thanks"?) we've put
together a page showing you all the current clearance items
now being sold at Money off vouchers too, these are always a winner, but not available all the time; we'll
update you when Argos gift vouchers are available.
While we're on the subject of bargains, read why is a fantastic place to purchase your new items;
value and service - that's Argos. You
don't have to wait until your purchase arrives either, you could
reserve your purchase, then nip
down to the shop to pick it up.
Looking for a new pool for the garden, can help there too.
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